I am a PhD student at the Université Grenoble Alpes and at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In my PhD project, I address the (in)compatibility between philosophical theories of memory and the extended mind hypothesis. In particular, I assess whether causal, simulationist, and functionalist theories of memory can provide the theoretical tools to explain (1) how external resources may count as memory traces and (2) how these resources are involved in memory processes.
I am working under the supervision of Kourken Michaelian and Markus Werning and my studies are funded by a doctoral contract from the École doctorale 487 – Philosophie, histoire, création, représentation.
I did my MA in philosophy of mind at the Université Grenoble Alpes (funded by an IDEX scholarship for foreign students) and a BA in philosophy at the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia).