Time and Memory
28 July 2021
15:00-16:00. Dissociations in future thinking: Insights from aging and focal lesion patients. Shayna Rosenbaum (York University).
16:05-17:05. Do we experience the passage of time in episodic memory? Shen Pan (University of Maryland - College Park).
17:05-17:25. Break.
17:25-18:25. Does episodic memory imply mentally travelling back in time? Marina Trakas (CONICET).
18:30-19:30. The function of conscious memory. Paula Droege (Pennsylvania State University).
30 July 2021
15:00-16:00. Self-control and the temporally extended self. Erica Cosentino (Ruhr University Bochum).
16:05-17:05. Nostalgia and the feeling of irretrievability. Anja Berninger (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen).
17:05-17:25. Break.
17:25-18:25. Forecasting and backcasting: Re-examining the impact bias. Andrea Blomkvist (University of Sheffield).
18:30-19:30. Regret, time and memory: perspectives from development. Teresa McCormack (Queen's University Belfast).
Organizers: Gerardo Viera (University of Sheffield), André Sant'Anna (Washington University in St. Louis/CPM), Christopher McCarroll (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes)