Episodic Memory
D. Perrin, ed.
Episodic Memory.
Special issue.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology
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The episodicity of memory.
D. Perrin and S. Rousset.
Episodic memory as representing the past to oneself
Robert Hopkins.
'Mental time travel': Remembering the past, imagining the future, and the particularity of events.
Dorothea Debus.
Remembering events and remembering looks.
Christoph Hoerl.
Memory and immunity to error through misidentification.
Jordi Fernández.
Episodic memory as re-experiential memory: Kantian, developmental, and neuroscientific currents.
James Russell.
Feeling the past: A two-tiered account of episodic memory.
Jérôme Dokic.
Autonoesis and belief in a personal past: An evolutionary theory of episodic memory indices.
Stanley B. Klein.